Korean Society of Dance Science
[ Article ]
Official Journal of the Korean Society of Dance Science - Vol. 35, No. 3, pp.29-42
ISSN: 1229-7836 (Print)
Print publication date 30 Jul 2018
Received 31 May 2018 Revised 01 Jun 2018 Accepted 20 Jul 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21539/Ksds.2018.35.3.29

중년부부대상 무용분야 문화예술교육이 부부관계 질에 미치는 효과

A Study on the Effect of Cultural Arts Education in the Field of Dance on the Quality of Marital Relations targeting Middle Aged Couple
Hong, Hye-Jeon*
Seowon University

Correspondence to: * hyejeon007@hanmail.net

CopyrightⒸ 2018 by the Korean Society of Dance Science


이 연구는 중년부부의 무용분야 문화예술교육 프로그램 참여가 자기성찰과 부부 공감, 부부갈등대처능력 및 부부관계 질에 미치는 효과를 분석하였다. 연구대상자는 A문화재단 지역특성화(사회) 문화예술지원사업에 선정된 홍댄스컴퍼니의 ‘부부의 예술동행, 춤으로 포옹하다’ 프로그램에 참여한 중년부부 10쌍을 선정, 중도 탈락한 2쌍을 제외한 실험군 8쌍과 부부 댄스스포츠 프로그램에 참여한 중년부부 대조군 7쌍이 실험에 최종적으로 임하였다. 주1회 120분씩, 총 12주간 ‘부부의 예술동행, 춤으로 포옹하다’ 프로그램을 참여한 실험군과 동일 기간 댄스스포츠를 참여한 대조군에게 실험 전·후 자기성찰과 부부 공감, 부부 갈등대처행동 및 부부관계 질 척도를 측정하여 그 결과를 비교 분석하였다. 그 결과, 실험군에서 자기성찰, 부부 공감, 부부 갈등대처행동, 부부관계 질 모두 유의한 차이가 있었고, 실험군의 대응 비교에서도 유의한 차이가 있어 ‘부부의 예술동행, 춤으로 포옹하다’ 프로그램이 중년부부의 관계를 향상시킨다는 것을 확인할 수 있었다.


This study analyzed the effect of middle aged couple's participation in the dance program of the cultural arts education in the field of dance on self-examination, sympathy among married couple, married couple's ability to cope with married couple conflict and quality of marital relations. As for the research subjects, 10 middle aged couples who participated in the program, 'Journey of married couple in their quest for art - embracing with dance' organized by the Hong Dance Company, selected for the cultural arts support project of the A Cultural Foundation's region specialization measure (society). In the end, eight couples excluding two couples who gave up were assigned to the experiment group, and seven couples who participated in the dance sports program for the married couples were assigned to the control group. Experiment group who participated in the 'Journey of married couple in their quest for art - embracing with dance' program during 12 weeks, for 120 minutes, once per week, and the control group who participated in the dance sports during the same period were subjected to the self-examination, sympathy among married couple, behavior for coping with married couple's conflict and measure for the quality of marital relations which were measured before and after the experiment. Then, the results were subjected to the comparative analysis. As a result, case of experiment group, self-examination, sympathy among married couple, behavior for coping with married couple's conflict and quality of marital relations all manifested significant difference. Moreover, significant difference was manifested in case of the countermeasure comparison with the experiment group. Thus, it was possible to verify that the 'Journey of married couple in their quest for art - embracing with dance' program enhances middle aged couples' relationship.


middle aged couple, cultural arts education in the field of dance, self-examination, sympathy among married couple, behavior for coping with married couple's conflict, quality of marital relations


중년부부, 무용분야 문화예술교육, 자기성찰, 부부 공감, 부부 갈등대처행동, 부부관계 질


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