Korean Society of Dance Science
[ Article ]
Official Journal of the Korean Society of Dance Science - Vol. 34, No. 2, pp.153-165
ISSN: 1229-7836 (Print)
Print publication date 30 Apr 2017
Received 10 Mar 2017 Revised 21 Mar 2017 Accepted 25 Apr 2017
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21539/Ksds.2017.34.2.153

요추 과전만 신체변형이 있는 임신부의 근력강화와 바른 자세를 위한 발레 기본동작 수행연구

A Research on Performance of Basic Ballet Movements for Muscular Strength Reinforcement and Posture Correction of Pregnant Women with Lumbar Hyperlordosis
Kim, Chae Won*
Sangmyung University

Correspondence to: * wldnjs444@naver.com

CopyrightⒸ 2017 by the Korean Society of Dance Science


현재 발레동작의 적용 범위는 과거의 공연예술의 영역인 클래식발레를 벗어나 여가문화인 성인취미발레를 거쳐서 피트니스분야에 이르고 있다. 발레수업을 임신부에게 적용한 연구들은 예술태교와 심신안정이 중점적이며 임신부의 심리적인 건강에 관한 연구들이다. 따라서 본 임신부 발레연구에서는 아직까지 발표되지 않은 신체건강에 관한 연구로 임신부 체형변형에 맞추어 발레의 기본자세와 발레기본동작이 갖는 운동적인 측면을 제시하고자 하였다. 본 연구는 발레기본자세인 풀업(Pull up), 기본동작 중 플리에(Plié), 바뜨망 땅뒤(Battement tendus), 바뜨망 데가제(Battememt dégagés), 파쎄(Passé), 애티튜드(Attitude)를 구성으로 하여 위 동작들이 자궁크기의 증가와 호르몬의 영향으로 임신부가 겪는 복부근력약화, 장요근(Iliopsoas)의 수축과 근력약화, 척추기립근(Spinal Erector Muscle)의 긴장에 따른 과도한 스트레스, 요추과전만에 대하여 발레동작별 단계별적용과 수행 시 주의사항, 지도자의 해부학적 지식을 위한 조언, 수행 시 관련되는 근육들을 제시하고 임신부의 근력강화와 근육의 유연성을 위한 발레동작을 소개하였다. 본 연구에서는 임신부를 위한 발레동작을 연구하였기에 수행 전ㆍ후 실시되는 스트레칭과 마무리운동은 기술하지 않았으며 임신부를 대상으로 수업하는 지도자들과 이에 관련한 후속연구자들에게 본 연구를 토대로 임신부발레프로그램의 동작에 관한 기초연구, 관련 지식 정립에 도움이 될 것으로 예견된다.


Currently, the scope of application of the ballet movements includes not only the classic ballet which used to be considered a sort of performing art in the past, but also the adult amateur ballet and fitness which are considered a leisure culture. The researches that apply ballet classes to pregnant women are focused on the art-based parental education and mind/body relaxation, and are related to the psychological health of pregnant women. Accordingly, this research on ballet for pregnant women is an unprecedented research that relates to the physical health of pregnant women. The purpose of this research is to propose the kinematic aspects of the basic ballet positions/movements according to the bodily reshaping among pregnant women. In this research, the basic ballet positions, such as ‘Pull up’, and the basic ballet movements, such as ‘battement tendus’, ‘battememt dégagés’, ’passé’ and ‘attitude’, were applied in phases to pregnant women. Based on such phased application, the influence of the positions and movements on 1) the abdominal muscular weakness, iliopsoas contraction and muscular weakness experienced among pregnant women due to the enlarged uterus size and hormones, 2) intensive stress caused by the tensioned erector spinae muscules, and 3) lumbar hyperlordosis were measured. Based on such measurement, 1) the cautions in performing each of the ballet movements were proposed, 2) advice for the instructors to acquire anatomical knowledge was proposed, 3) muscles used for performing each of the ballet movements were proposed, and 4) ballet movements for reinforcing muscular strength and flexibility among pregnant women were introduced. In this research, since the ballet movements for pregnant women were examined, the pre/post-performance stretching and cool-down exercise were not specified. In the future, this research is expected to contribute to the researchers willing to acquire related knowledge and conduct a basic research on the ballet movements to be used in the pregnant women ballet programs.


Pregnant Women, Ballet, Dance, Bodily Reshaping and Lumbar Hyperlordosis


임신부, 임산부, 발레, 무용, 신체변형, 요추과전만


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