Korean Society of Dance Science
[ Article ]
Official Journal of the Korean Society of Dance Science - Vol. 39, No. 2, pp.31-46
ISSN: 1229-7836 (Print) 2713-6949 (Online)
Print publication date 30 Apr 2022
Received 06 Mar 2022 Revised 05 Apr 2022 Accepted 20 Apr 2022
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21539/Ksds.2022.39.2.31

발달장애아동의 국어교과연계 통합예술교육 온라인 콘텐츠가 자기표현과 사회적 기술에 미치는 효과

원자승* ; 홍혜전**
*홍익대학교 공연예술대학원 부교수 plusnine@hongik.ac.kr
**서원대학교 문화예술교육센터 센터장(조교수), (교신저자) hyejeon007@seowon.ac.kr
Effect to online content of integrated art education linked of Korean language subjects for children with developmental disabilities on self-expression and social skills
Jaseung Won* ; Hyejeon Hong**
*Associate Professor, Graduate School of Performing Arts, Hongik University
**Assistant Professor, Culture and Arts Education Center, Seowon University (Corresponding author)

CopyrightⒸ 2022 by the Korean Society of Dance Science


이 연구는 국어수업에서 교과연계 통합예술교육 온라인 콘텐츠 활용이 발달장애아동의 자기표현과 사회적 기술에 미치는 효과를 검증하는데 목적이 있다. 연구대상자는 청주시 소재 초등학교 6학년 통합학급에 재학 중인 발달장애아동 11명을 선정하였고, 국어교과연계 통합예술교육 온라인 콘텐츠를 활용한 수업은 실험군(6명)과 동일기간 기존 국어수업에 참여한 대조군(5명)에게 주1회 40분씩, 총 8주간 2021년 10월 14일부터 12월 2일까지 진행하였다. 자료처리는 SPSS 21.0을 통해 독립표본 t-test, 대응표본 t-test 및 ANOVA를 실시하였고, 통계적 유의수준은 p<.05로 설정하였다. 그 결과, 자기표현과 사회적 기술이 실험군에서 모두 유의한 차이가 있었고, 실험군의 대응 비교에서도 유의한 차이가 있어 국어수업에 있어 교과연계 통합예술교육 온라인 콘텐츠 활용이 발달장애아동의 자기표현과 사회적 기술을 향상시킬 수 있음을 확인하였다. 이러한 연구결과는 발달장애아동의 교과 학습 효과를 높이기 위해 교과연계 통합예술교육 온라인 콘텐츠 활용 방안을 모색하는데 기초자료로 활용될 것으로 기대한다.


The purpose of this study is to verify the effect of the use of online content for integrated arts education in Korean language classes on self-expression and social skills of children with developmental disabilities. The subjects of this study were 11 children with developmental disabilities enrolled in an integrated class in the 6th grade of an elementary school located in Cheongju, and the classes using the integrated arts education online content linked to the Korean language subject were the experimental group (6 students) and the control group (6 students) who participated in the existing Korean language class during the same period. 5 people) once a week for 40 minutes, for a total of 8 weeks, from October 14 to December 2, 2021. For data processing, independent samples t-test, corresponding samples t-test, and ANOVA were performed through SPSS 21.0, and the statistical significance level was set to p<.05.

As a result, there was a significant difference in both self-expression and social skills in the experimental group, and there was a significant difference in the response comparison of the experimental group, confirming that the use of online content in integrated arts education in Korean language classes improved children with developmental disabilities. These research results are expected to be used as basic data to explore ways to utilize online content for integrated arts education in order to increase the curriculum learning effect of children with developmental disabilities.


Children with developmental disabilities, integrated art education liked, online content, self-expression, social skill


발달장애아동, 교과연계 통합예술교육, 온라인 콘텐츠, 자기표현, 사회적 기술


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